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Meet Citlalicue, an integrative shamanic psychotherapist and psychedelic assisted therapist

Meet Citlalicue

My name is Citlalicue (she/they/we). I am licensed psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, psychedelic integration coach, reiki hypnotist, & certified yoga teacher. I am devoted to working with mystic professionals to help dissolve heal unconscious patterns & heal complex traumas through non-ordinary states of consciousness.

My given name, Citlalicue (seet-la-ly-kū-é) is a sacred representation of my work. Citlalicue is an Aztec deity, the direct translation is "her skirt is the Milky Way." She is a creator goddess, together with her male counterpart Citlalatonac, they created the stars, the Milky Way, earth, death, and darkness. This name is in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs. The etymology of Nahuatl (Nahualli) itself is “sorcerer”: the language of sorcery, the language of magic.

I truly believe that each and every one of us is innately divine. 

Just like Citlalicue, we each possess the powerful to create our own unique divine stars in our life.

It took me many many years to accept and even like this badass name!! My entire life my name has sat in the background to accommodate English speaking tongues that trip over the pronunciation and requested nicknames: ensuring their comfort, and feeling my own shame around being different, I would comply. I've come a long way in healing my cultural differences. 

As simple as it may sound, my name is an aspect of my own Self rediscovery journey. Through my own journey, I have found a passion for compassionate work.

Read more about my journey below:

My Specializations

I am a licensed and practicing psychotherapist, certified in psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), certified yoga teacher, hypnotist, and shamanic reiki master. My integrative background has equipped me with tools to give you that  WILL change your trajectory.

*psychedelic substances are NEVER provided*

Dissolving limting beliefs

Shamanic Reiki 

Customized Hypnotic Tracks

Releasing patterns that no longer serve you.

Psychedelic Intergration


“For those who have an intense urge for Spirit and wisdom, it sits
near them, waiting.”

What People Say

 "I feel like a newer, shinier, healthier version of myself. It’s a total shift and I already knew it would be a transformative process but I didn’t know how delicious and beautiful it would feel.. thank you thank you thank youuuu!" -R.L.

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